【比賽】113學年度英詩朗誦比賽English Poetry Recitation Contest
- 2024/11/11
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- 刊登人員:朱 敏禎
- 比賽時間:2024年12月10日 (星期二) 晚上6時30分至9時00分 (結束時間可能提早或延後)
- 比賽地點:淡江大學驚聲國際會議廳 (T301)
- 主辦單位:淡江大學英文學系
- 參加資格:全校大學部日間部、進學班學生(英語母語者亦可參賽)
- 比賽名額:20組,額滿為止。可個人或團體為一組參賽,但一人限參加一組。
- 報名方式:請於12月8日(日)前填妥此表單 https://forms.office.com/r/wDJaW1E0en ,並於比賽前每星期一下午2時前及三四下午4時前至英文系辦(FL207)找Mina助教繳交保證金100元,才算完成報名。
- 比賽方式:一組為一單位,上台以英語朗誦自選詩1首。(可帶稿或背稿)
- 自選詩年代、題材、格式不拘,英譯其它語言作品或自創詩皆可。
- 必須於12月8日(日)前將自選詩以規定格式(附件2)寄到 147864@o365.tku.edu.tw 信件標題請註明 英詩朗誦+參賽者姓名。
- 報名後比賽相關重要資訊會以MS Teams訊息通知參賽者並一併寄到參賽者的o365信箱,請隨時留意信件。
Contest Info:
- Date: Tuesday, December 10 at 6:30 PM
- Venue: T Building Conference Room T301
- Eligibility: All TKU undergraduates
- Sign-up Limit: 20 (as individual or group)
- Registration steps:
- Fill in the Registration Form by December 8. https://forms.office.com/r/wDJaW1E0en
- Submit NTD.100 of deposit to TA Mina Chu at the English Department Office (FL207) before the contest.
- Mina's office hours available: Monday before 2 PM, Wednesday and Thursday before 4 PM.
- Procedure:
- Contestants choose an English poem to recite on stage. (with or without your script)
- No restriction for your selected poem as long as it is written in English or translated into English.
- Contestants have to email your selected poem with assigned format (see as attached) to 147864@o365.tku.edu.tw before December 8th.
- Updated information and important notice for contestants will be sent both via MS Teams messenger and to your @o365.tku.edu.tw email address. Always READ your MS Teams please :)